September 2014

Research News & Updates

Cognitive Outcome after Spinal Anesthesia and Surgery During Infancy

Our study found no link between duration of surgery with infant spinal anesthesia (SA) and scores on academic achievement testing in elementary school. We also found no relationship between infant SA and surgery with very poor academic achievement (VPAA) on elementary school testing, although the confidence intervals (CIs) were wide. Read more

Cognitive Outcomes After Infant Spinal Anesthesia: The Other Side of the Coin

In their study, Williams etal. have provided us with aglimpse at thepreviouslyunseen flip sideof the anesthesia-surgerycoin assessing whether asurgicalprocedure maycontribute to adversecognitive outcome laterinchildhood. Read more

Neonatal Anesthesia Neurotoxicity: A Review for Cleft and Craniofacial Surgeons

The timing and number of cleft and craniofacial surgeries in our treatment protocols may need to be reevaluated to account for these potential risks. Read more

Erythropoietin protects newborn rat against sevoflurane-induced neurotoxicity

Six hours of sevoflurane anesthesia in newborn rats induces significant long-term cognitive impairment. A single administration of rh-EPO immediately after postnatal exposure to sevoflurane reduces both early activation of apoptotic phenomenon and late onset of neurologic disorders.  Read more

Isoflurane impairs the capacity of astrocytes to support neuronal development in a mouse dissociated coculture model.

Isoflurane interferes with the ability of cultured astrocytes to support neuronal growth. This finding represents a potentially novel mechanism through which general anesthetics may interfere with brain development. Read more

Role of miR-34c in ketamine-induced neurotoxicity in neonatal mice hippocampus

Cognitive examination with the Morris water maze test showed that ketamine-induced memory impairment was significantly improved by miR-34c downregulation.Read more

Inhibition of Acetylcholinesterase Modulates NMDA Receptor Antagonist Mediated Alterations in the Developing Brain

Our results indicate that AChE inhibition may prevent newborn rats from MK801-mediated brain damage by enhancing neurotrophin-associated signaling pathways and by modulating the extracellular matrix. Read more