by SmartTots | May 16, 2017 | Research Articles
Abstract Increasing studies have demonstrated that sevoflurane can induce neurotoxicity in the developing brains. JNK normally promotes apoptosis. It was hypothesized that sevoflurane affected the proliferation and differentiation of FNSCs and induced cell apoptosis,...
by SmartTots | May 16, 2017 | Research Articles
Abstract The association of general anesthesia with developmental neurotoxicity, while nearly impossible to study in pediatric populations, is clearly demonstrable in a variety of animal models from rodents to nonhuman primates. Nearly all general anesthetics tested...
by SmartTots | May 16, 2017 | Research Articles
Abstract Prolonged ketamine exposure in neonates at anesthetic doses is known to cause long-term impairments of learning and memory. A current theoretical mechanism explains this phenomenon as being neuro-excitotoxicity mediated by compensatory upregulation of...
by SmartTots | May 16, 2017 | Research Articles
Abstract Previously we reported that a 5-hour exposure of 6-day-old (P6) rhesus macaques to isoflurane triggers robust neuron and oligodendrocyte apoptosis. In an attempt to further describe the window of vulnerability to anesthetic neurotoxicity, we exposed P20 and...
by SmartTots | May 16, 2017 | Research Articles
Abstract A number of findings suggested that general anesthetics induced neural cell death by apoptosis in various animal models. Although clinical evidence regarding the correlation between anesthetic exposures at young age and subsequent cognitive impairments...