The November issue of Anesthesia & Analgesia highlights current research related to pediatric anesthesia neurotoxicity and the SmartTots research effort. The issue includes four editorials, three research reports and a review article.
- Anesthetic Neurotoxicity: A Difficult Dragon to Slay
Thomas J, Crosby G, Drummond JC, Todd M - Early Childhood Exposure to Anesthesia and Risk of Developmental and Behavioral Disorders in a Sibling Birth Cohort
Dimaggio C, Sun LS, Li G - GABAergic Excitotoxicity Injury of the Immature Hippocampal Pyramidal Neurons’ Exposure to Isoflurane
Zhao YL, Xiang Q, Shi QY, Li SY, Tan L, Wang JT, Jin XG, Luo AL - Neurotoxicity of Anesthetic Drugs in the Developing Brain
Stratmann G - Pediatric Anesthesia Neurotoxicity: An Overview of the 2011 SmartTots Panel
Jevtovic-Todorovic V - SmartTots: A Multidisciplinary Effort to Determine Anesthetic Safety in Young Children
Ramsay JG, Rappaport BA - The Role of Calcium Dysregulation in Anesthetic-Mediated Neurotoxicity
Wei H - The Toxic Effects of S(+)-Ketamine on Differentiating Neurons In Vitro as a Consequence of Suppressed Neuronal Ca2+ Oscillations
Sinner B, Friedrich O, Zink W, Zausig Y, Graf BM